Hand in Hand EA Tanzania

Asha Gema is 34 years old, a member of Twiga self help group  in Magara village which joined Hand in hand November 2022. She lives with her three children, two girls and one boy since her husband divorced her, she was one of beneficiaries who have made positive changes in her life through hand in hand intervention, Asha recalls how thing were before getting entrepreneurship training, people with low income were not able to identify opportunities and know how to use them to generate income and meet  family needs. 

Before  joining hand in hand she was working on other people’s farms and earn a little money that was not enough for her family needs, since she used  to spend  more time and a lot of energy  to do people’s work  and earn  less money  compared to energy she uses to make sure  people’s farm work completed,  only because she was  farming and earning tsh 3000 per one acre of which she could do this twice per week, this situation was hard for her as she use a lot of energy and more time while the earning was low to be enough to cover her daily cost. 

After joining hand in hand and receive entrepreneurship training she took Tsh 50,000 loan from the group and start vegetable business, which she currently earns Tsh 10000 per week. And her happiness is that she can make a lot of money for her business and using time well compared to the work she was doing before, where she used to earn Tsh 3000 even for the whole week. Thanks for hand in hand because after training  I became aware  on identifying business opportunities  around my village, and help to sustain family needs ,significantly  I have reduced dependency from my relatives, says Asha.

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