The experience of refugees and migrants in host countries in Southeast Asia

With an increasingly permanent refugee and migrant population in both Malaysia and Indonesia, it is crucial and urgent to have regional and national mechanisms to ensure protection and respond to people in mixed migration movements, including refugees and asylum seekers.
Given the situation, on 27 May 2021, MMC Asia hosted a webinar discussion on “The experience of refugees and migrants in host countries in South East Asia” presenting 2 research reports on Malaysia and Indonesia.
Key research questions of MMC’s reports on Malaysia and Indonesia include: 1. What are the mixed migration patterns in Malaysia and Indonesia? 2. What are some of the risks facing refugees and migrants in Malaysia and Indonesia? What are their needs? 3. How can relevant stakeholders collaborate to address those risks in order to ensure safe and orderly migration as well as their access to basic services in host countries? The webinar’s aim was to create an open dialogue between different stakeholders, and to inform decision-making and humanitarian responses to assist refugees and migrants in the region.
Access the two MMC research reports that were presented here:

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