Published by: MMC
Region: Asia and the Pacific, Eastern and Southern Africa, Global, West Africa
Experiences of Female Refugees and Migrants in Origin, Transit and Destination Countries
A Comparative study
The aim of the research is to gain a better understanding of women’s migration experiences compared across regions, their protection needs on the way, and how their journeys may or may not differ. The research was commissioned by the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) and carried out by the consultancy firm IOD PARC.
The research mainly builds on data collected between June and October 2017 through 4Mi in East Africa, West Africa, North Africa and Asia. It includes 1,062 surveys collected by 4Mi monitors in the field. The data is complemented by 29 interviews conducted in December 2017 with Afghan women and secondary literature on West and East African women. It is the first piece of research drawn from 4Mi that compares women’s migration experiences across regions.