Covid-19 and the socioeconomic situation of migrants in Niger
Analysis of 4Mi data collected in Niger between July and September 2020
Based on 4Mi survey conducted in Niger between July and September 2020 with 527 migrants (30% women, 70% men), this analysis aims to provide some insights on the profiles of respondents and analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on their mobility, livelihood situation and certain socioeconomic rights, namely: access to health services, sanitation, housing, and education.
The Mixed Migration Centre produced this 4Mi data analysis with the financial and technical support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The findings and recommendations will inform OHCHR’s actions, including of the joint OHCHR-UNODC initiative “PROMIS”, in the context of the upcoming review of Niger by the Committee on the Rights of Migrant Workers, the GCM regional review as well as Niger’s upcoming third Voluntary National Review in 2021.
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